

ELI Summer School 2018 – summer school in ELI-ALPS Research Institute

After the outstandingly successful ELI Summer Schools organized by the Czech and Romanian ELI pillars, we are pleased to announce the third edition of this reputable event hosted by ELI–ALPS (Attosecond Light Pulse Source) Research Institute from 27 to 31 August 2018 in Szeged, Hungary.
ELI Summer School 2018 – summer school in ELI-ALPS Research Institute

It is a great honour and privilege for us organizing ELI Summer School for the first time in our impressive infrastructure which provides high-standard scientific platform and also an unique opportunity for young researchers who are interested in the ELI project.

The primary purpose of this particular event is to make the main research direction of the ELI Consortium and mainly the ELI-ALPS accessible for the participants by international professionals/experts. This five days-long Summer School will provide presentations, poster sections and networking programs focusing on the generation and application(s) of attosecond pulses, ultrafast imaging techniques with short x-ray pulses, particle acceleration, plasma physics and nuclear physics with intense lasers will be also a central topic of the lectures.

The registration site and more information about our Summer School is available on the EVENT’S WEBSITE.

EUCALL provides Financial Support for up to 30 Young Researchers to attend the ELI Summer School in Szeged. Selected candidates can have their payment fees for the schools registration fee reimbursed by EUCALL. For further information, please visit EUCALL'S WEBSITE.


