Available Equipment (ELI-ERIC)


Irradiation Facility for Interdisciplinary Research with Laser Driven Particle – IFIR LDP


The IFIR LDP is a multipurpose, modular irradiation facility which uses ELI ALPS’s primary and secondary laser/particle sources for an assorted scientific applications carried out in atmospheric conditions. The primary aim of the endstation is to provide a technical platform for such experiments. The terminal can be remotely controlled and programmed, and its basic components can be customised and extended as required.

Contact person

Polanek Róbert PhD



Description of key areas of science


The equipment was primarily designed for experiments with ionizing radiation, but can be suitable for experiments with lasers that must be performed in an atmospheric environment, as well. Due to its nature, it is primarily recommended for applied research such as: studying industrial applications of lasers (i.e. material processing), remote sensing or studies related to laser safety, as well as for studies of effects of laser light on biological or non-biological samples. Well-equipped chemical and biological laboratories are available for the preparation and processing of illuminated samples. Since a complete dosimetry system is available, it is possible to measure radiation exposure from ionizing radiations generated during various laser applications (especially for industrial applications).


Full description of system


The backbone of the end station is a movable frame made of aluminium profiles, equipped with three independent, motorised and programmable long travel linear slides. The linear slides can be used to position and/or continuously move the samples or detectors. The maximal travelling length is 300mm in each directions. The linear slides are located at the very top of the end station, so the samples or detectors can be suspended from above in the useable space designated to the experiment.

Under the linear stages a breadboard (600 mm x 600 mm x 12.7 mm, M6 Taps) is mounted, on which additional diagnostic or positioning devices can be fixed. A basic optomechanical kit is available, which can be extended as required. Accurate positioning is aided by three laser modules (Thorlabs PL204, compact laser module, 635 nm, 0.9 mW).

The end-station can be equipped with the diagnostic equipment needed for the experiment. A separate rack cabinet is available for the electronic equipment of the measuring or detection devices. Currently, a complete dosimetry system (for ionizing radiation dosimetry), a very sensitive electrometer, a multi-channel data logger and several types of oscilloscopes are available for experiments. If needed, additional tools can be integrated into the system.


Figure 1: IFIR LDP

If necessary, a controlled environment can be created in the usable space of the end-station. For this a combined CO2/Oxygen controller, humidity controller and a temperature controller is available. The maximal volume of controlled environment that can be created is 27dm3.

In the experiments, the end-station equipped with the necessary experimental setup is positioned in front of the required beam. It is important to note that the preparation of the beam is not part of the end-station. If the requested beam requires additional preparation, this should be done, if possible, before arrival at the end-station. 


Figure 2: A schematic diagram of a typical experiment

Available sample delivery systems and target systems


The samples to be irradiated or the detectors used for measurements can be handled in two ways. We can use a programmable, automatic three-axis positioner consisting of three independent, long travel linear slides with the following parameters:



In this case, the sample is suspended from the top into the usable volume where irradiation takes place. Specific instruments can be used to fix the samples, which are either manufactured locally or purchased.

Another option is manual positioning, for which the necessary setup can be built on a 600mmx600mm breadboard. In this case, we can use standard optomechanical components or we can also use locally manufactured, custom-made devices.


Available detection and observation systems


To observe the experiments and take measurements, the following equipment is available: 

General electronic measuring instruments:



Complete and flexible dosimetry system for measuring absorbed dose in the case of experiments with ionizing radiation:


Other measuring equipment and instruments:




