Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Ultrafast Science and Applications Division


Head of Division: Dr. Péter Dombi



The mission of the Ultrafast Science and Applications Division is to develop and provide state-of-the-art user stations for femtosecond and attosecond time-resolved experiments in solid, liquid and gas phases. We perform research on the fastest processes in various molecular and solid-state media and serve the facility with background infrastructure such as high-level nanofabrication, chemistry and biology laboratories. We also provide theoretical support and numerical simulations for experiments that are performed at ELI-ALPS.


Technologies offered
  • A unique NanoESCA end-station involving PEEM, ARPES, LEED and XPS modes of operation and a gold coated Ir(100) spin filter. The PEEM mode provides a lateral resolution of 35 nm. The instrument boasts 13 meV resolution in the energy resolved PEEM mode. In k-resolved momentum microscopy 0.01 Å-1 resolution can be achieved. The end-station is connected to an attosecond beamline with an XUV monochromator option for femtosecond time-resolved experiments, as well.
  • A nanofabrication facility performing electron beam lithography with ~10 nm resolution and direct-write focused ion beam nanofabrication (Ga-FIB) with ~25 nm resolution. The machine also includes a TEM lamella production feature.
  • A zebrafish model for radiobiology experiments; it holds promise of becoming a simple model animal for this line of research in large-scale facilities.

The Ultrafast Nanoscience Group performs experiments with various application-oriented nanosystems together with user groups, and provides nanofabrication support for facility users.

The Surface Dynamics Group runs the NanoESCA instrument and its use in various femto- and attosecond time-resolved experiments.

The Ultrafast Dynamics group investigates fast processes in chemical systems and develops pump-probe schemes using synchronized ELI-ALPS light sources.

The Biomedical Applications Group mainly performs radiobiology experiments with laser-based particle sources.

The Theory and Simulations Group provides solid user support in theoretical and numerical methods for experiments performed at ELI-ALPS in attosecond science, ultrafast solid-state, molecular physics etc.


  • Operation of a unique NanoESCA end-station attached to a 100 kHz repetition rate attosecond beamline and/or fs laser.
  • Investigation of ultrafast processes in photoelectrochemical systems.
  • Radiobiology experiments with laser-based radiation sources.


Ultrafast Nanoscience Group

Surface Dynamics Group

Ultrafast Dynamics Group


