Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Laser Sources Division

Head of Division: Dr. Ádám Börzsönyi




  • Provision of laser pulses with state-of-the-art specifications for atto beamlines, end-stations and individual user experiments
  • Developments towards further pulse shortening via post-compression techniques at all available wavelengths
  • Developments in laser pulse metrology focusing on high repetition rate CEP detection
  • Development of new UV, VIS, far IR sources with few-cycle durations and CEP stability


Technologies offered
  • HR1 laser (in development at Szeged): for few-cycle pulses at the highest average power
  • HR2 laser (in development at Jena): for few-cycle pulses at the highest average power
  • MIR laser: for a unique combination of central wavelength, pulse energy and duration at 100 kHz, together with exceptional CEP stability and control
  • MIR-HE laser (under preparation): for a unique combination of central wavelength, pulse energy and duration at 1 kHz, together with CEP stability and control
  • SEA laser: used for the preparation of beamlines and user experiments
  • SYLOS 2A laser: for a unique combination of pulse energy and duration at 1 kHz, together with CEP stability
  • SYLOS 3 laser (under preparation): it will further improve the combination of pulse energy and duration at 1 kHz, together with CEP stability
  • HF laser (in development at Szeged): the only 2 PW peak power system at 10 Hz repetition rate
  • THz pump (in development at Bordeaux): it offers high pulse energy and half ps duration at 50 Hz


The unique specifications of the HR1&2, SYLOS2A, MIR, MIR-HE, HF PW, THz pump systems are pulse duration and energy (peak power) at the given repetition rates. 

The division consists of four groups, each are responsible for running / developing at least two independent laser systems.



The division is active in scientific/technological areas related to few-cycle laser pulse generation, amplification and characterization. The division is engaged in research towards further pulse shortening via post-compression techniques at all available wavelengths, as well as developments in laser pulse metrology focusing on high repetition rate CEP detection. It further develops new sources based on parametric generation using the available near-IR and mid-IR beams, e.g. generation of new colour beams (UV, VIS, far IR) with few-cycle pulse durations.


  • Heavy involvement in the development of state-of-the-art, high average power, high stability, and highly reliable few-cycle pulses together with external developers to define new standards in ultrafast laser technology
  • New approaches in post-compression techniques, such as radially polarized thin plate post-compression, nonlinear elliptical rotation and high average power spectral broadening
  • New diagnostics development such as MIR TOUCAN, technology for single-shot CEP measurement at arbitrary repetition rates


Operation of the HF Laser System


HR Laser Group (HR1, HR2)

MIR Laser Group (MIR, MIR-HE)

SYLOS Laser Group (SEA, S2A, S3)

HF Laser Group (HF, THz pump)


