

General projects



Project acronym: IMPULSE

Project ID number:  871161

Project full name: Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific Excellence


Project content: A global platform for high-power laser science and development, uniting the facilities of the Extreme Light Infrastructure together.

Tender form: Horizon 2020

Consortium members:

ELI-DC AISBL (Association Internationale Extreme Light Infrastructure Delivery Consortium)

ELI ALPS (ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság)

ELI Beamlines (Fyzikalni Ustav AV CR V.V.I.)

ELI-NP (Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Si Inginerienucleara-Horia Hulubei)

TUD (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)

STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)

CLPU (Sorcio Para El Diseno, Construccion, Equipamiento y Explotacion Del Centro De Laseres Pulsados Ultracortes Ultraintensos)

LMU (Ludvig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)

CNR (Consoglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

ELETTRA (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste SCPA)

HZRD (Heimholtz-Zentrum Drezden-Rossendorf EV)

IST (Instituto Superior Tecnico)

INFN (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

QUB (The Queen’s University of Belfast)

FORTH (Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas)

Total budget: ~ 20,000,000 EUR

Implementation period (months): 42

Beginning of project: November 2020

End of project: May 2024




Project title: ELITRANS

Project ID number: 676627 — ELITRANS


Project full name: Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC


Project content: Establishing the mutual operation of the three ELI-pillars and their formation to ERIC

Tender form: Horizon 2020

Subsidy intensity: 100%

Consortium members:

1-Association Internationale Extreme-Light-Infrastructure Delivery Consortium (ELI-DC AISBL)

2-Fyzikalni Ustav Av Cr V.V.I (IP-ASCR)

3-ELI-HU Non-Profit Ltd.

4-Institutul National de Cercetare – Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Si Inginerie Nucleara (IFIN-HH)

5-Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL (Prace)

6-Karlsruher Insitut Für Technologie  (KIT)

7-Stichting EGI (

Total budget (EUR): 3.395.382

ELI ALPS budget (EUR): 720.472

Downpayment budget (EUR): 0

Implementation period (months): 36

Beginning of project: 1 September 2015

End of project: 28 February 2019


Project title: TRINNO

Project ID number: PGI00243

Project full name: Business ecosystems for tradition and innovation


Project content: Business ecosystem program to subserve digital innovation for local stakeholders (Ministry for National Economy, Csongrád County in Hungary)

Tender form: INTERREG EUROPE Program

Subsidy intensity: 85% + 10% (state contribution) +5% (own contribution)

Consortium members:

1-Arezzo Innovation (IT)

2-ELI-HU Non-Profit Ltd.

3-Regional Government of Csongrád County HU

4-Innovation & Management Centre Limited / WestBIC

5-Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA)

6-Development Center of the Heart of Slovenia

7-University of Barcelona

Total budget (EUR): 1.230.397

ELI-ALPS budget (EUR): 120.830

Downpayment budget (EUR): 6.041,50

Implementation period (months): 36 (1st phase), 24 (2nd phase)

Beginning of project: 1 April 2016

End of project: 31 March 2021


Project title: D-STIR

Project ID number: DTP1-1-019-1.1

Project full name: Facilitating Responsible Innovation Using Socio-Technical Integration in the Danube Region Countries

Website: -

Project content: 'STIR' (Socio-Technical Integration Research) elaboration of methodology to be used for research at ELI

Tender form: Danube Programme

Subsidy intensity: 85% + 10% (state contribution) +5% (own contribution)

Consortium members:

1-ELI-HU Non-Profit Ltd.

2-Fyzikalni Ustav Av Cr V.V.I (IP-ASCR)

3-Institutul National de Cercetare – Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Si Inginerie Nucleara (IFIN-HH)

4-Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia (SLO)

5-Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (BIH)

6-Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije (MNE)

7-Cassovia (SK)

8-First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association (HUN)

Total budget (EUR): 1.792.971

ELI-ALPS budget (EUR): 103.616

Downpayment budget (EUR): 5.180,80

Implementation period (months): 30

Beginning of project: 1 January 2017

End of project: 30 June 2019

Download first press release 



Project title: R2Integrate

Project ID number: DTP1-1-184-1.1

Project full name: Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region

Website: -

Project content: Development of innovative policy making tools to support ELI’s embedding into the local economy and to increase economic progression potencial

Tender form: Danube Programme

Subsidy intensity: 85% + 10% (state contribution) +5% (own contribution)

Consortium members:

1-ELI-HU Non-Profit Ltd.

2-Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)

3-Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (RO)

4-Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. (CZ)


6-Institution for development of competence, innovation and specialization of Zadar County (HR)

7-University of Maribor (SLO)

8-National Agency for Regional Development (SRB)

9-Magurele High Tech Cluster (RO)

10-Central Bohemia Innovation Center (CZ)

Total budget (EUR): 1.734.905

ELI ALPS budget (EUR): 272.100

Downpayment budget (EUR): 13.605

Implementation period (months): 30

Beginning of project: 1 January 2017

End of project: 31 December 2019





