

Planned Public Procurements

Hereby the ELI-HU Ltd. informs the business partners that on the subjects below they should find information notice about the procurement procedures planned by the ELI-HU Ltd. The Company intends to hold prior market consultation relevant to the public procurement in question before launching the procedure according to Article 28. (4) of the Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement. In circumstances the business partners interested in public procurements and they are expected to engage in them as foreseeable, please indicate it - by identifying the specific public procurement - to the following e-mail address: 

The ELI-HU Ltd. also welcomes the interested business partners’ professional or technical proposals, comments. 

Expression of interest shall not entail any obligation to, later on business partners shall not be required to submit a tender or request to participate in the specific public procurement.   


Measuring instruments for ultrafast semiconductor dynamics

Special NIR Optics (HR and Sylos) for GHHG beamlines

Special focusing optics for SYLOS and HR beamlines

Special XUV optics for beam delivery

Custom made mechanical parts for GHHG beamlines

Custom made optical tables and optical breadboards for SHHG bemalines

Optomechanical components for SHHG beamlines

Optical components (IR, XUV, plasma mirror) for SHHG beamlines

Instruments for the off-line diagnostic laboratory (AFM, Profilometer, Analyzer for electron spectroscopy )

Components for the experimental chamber of an ultrafast  electron microscop

Wire bonding equipment

Tube and pipe fittings (frame contract)

High precision femtosecond timing system

VC-D vibrometer sensors

White Rabbit switches and accessories

MatLAb software

2 year extension of Zemax OpticStudio software support

Optical bulk materials ( fused quartz , synthetic sapphire, glasses)


